Common hooks:
- beforeSave
- afterSave
- beforeRemove
- afterRemove
- afterRelate
- afterUnrelate
- afterMassRelate
Creating hook
- create a file
; - declare hook type action;
- clear Cache in Administration.
Hook order
If you have several hooks, related to one Entity Type and with the same hook type, and running order is important, you can set a public static $order
property in an integer value.
Ascending order – the hook with the smallest order number runs first.
This example sets Account Name for new Leads, if it is not set.
namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\Lead;
use Espo\ORM\Entity;
class AccountName extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base
public function beforeSave(Entity $entity, array $options = [])
if ($entity->isNew() && !$entity->get('accountName')) {
$entity->set('accountName', 'No Account');
Global hooks
If you need to apply a hook for all entities, you can use common hooks. To do this, put your hook class in Common directory, e.g. custom/Espo/Custom/Hooks/Common/{HookName}.php
Additional default hooks
- afterOptOut – when a target clicks an opt-out link, data are passed in the 3rd $data argument
- afterCancelOptOut – when a target subscribes again
- afterOptIn – when a target opts-in through Lead Capture, data are passed in the 3rd $data argument (since 5.6.9)
Meeting / Call
- afterConfirmation – when an event attendee clicks on accept/decline/tentative link; details are passed in the 3rd $data argument
- afterLeadCapture – when a contact (existing in crm) opts-in through Lead Capture, leadCaptureId is passed in the 3rd $data argument (since 5.6.9)
- afterOptOut (since 5.7.0)
- afterCancelOptOut (since 5.7.0)
- afterLeadCapture – when a lead opts-in through Lead Capture, leadCaptureId is passed in the 3rd $data argument (since 5.6.9)
- afterOptOut (since 5.7.0)
- afterCancelOptOut (since 5.7.0)
- afterLeadCapture – when a target (lead or contact) opts-in through Lead Capture, target data are passed in the 3rd $data argument (since 5.6.9)
- afterClick – when a target (lead/contact/account) opened a tracking url in email (since 5.7.0)
namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\TargetList;
class MyHook extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base
public function afterOptOut(\Espo\ORM\Entity $targetList, array $options, array $data)
$targetId = $data['targetId'];
$targetType = $data['targetType'];
$link = $data['link'];
namespace Espo\Custom\Hooks\Meeting;
class MyHook extends \Espo\Core\Hooks\Base
public function afterConfirmation(\Espo\ORM\Entity $meeting, array $options, array $data)
$status = $data['status'];
$inviteeType = $data['inviteeType'];
$inviteeId = $data['inviteeId'];
if ($status == 'Accepted') {
Triggering hook
$this->getEntityManager()->getHookManager()->process($entityType, $hookType, $entity, $options);